9-Step Guide to Selling Your Home

After much thought and weighing the pros and cons  you have decided to sell your house. What happens now? Selling your home can be an incredibly emotional, stressful process, which is why it is so important to follow the right steps when deciding to sell your home. I've  put together a step-by-step guide to selling your home, to help guide you in the right direction to ensure your selling experience is as easy as possible.

1. REALTOR® Consultation

There is no commitment required on your part for the initial meeting with an agent. It will be educational and will help you identify the right agent for you. It is important to look at reviews and make sure you are a good fit personality wise.

2. Establish a Price

Now that you have chosen an agent, they will help you establish your asking price for your property by  going through comparables homes that have sold in the neighbourhood or city. 

3. Prepare Your Home for Sale

View your home through the eyes of the buyer and ask yourself what you would expect. I  will help guide you and give you tips on de-cluttering and other things that will help your home be more sellable.  If you have chosen me as your agent I also provide a home stager in most cases.

4. List it for Sale

When everything is in place, your agent will put your home on the open market. I will be actively working hard behind the scenes, marketing your property to colleagues, clients and the public!

5. Showings

As a general rule agents will book 1 hour showing slots. It is a good idea to plan to be out of your home 10 minutes before hand. If possible leave all the lights switched on. After each showing, I  will follow up with the people who viewed your home to hear their feedback.

6. Offers & Negotiations

If everything goes well, a buyer’s agent will present us  with an offer. You have three choices – accept the offer, counter the offer or reject the offer. I will guide you step by step to help with the process

7. Under Contract

At this point, you have accepted an offer and have agreed to all the terms set forth in the contract.

8. Conditional Phase

When the agreement of purchase and sale is accepted and signed by all parties, the conditional phrase begins. The buyers will have a pre-determined amount of time to fulfill items likely including home inspection, etc. The date the conditions are removed, you now have a firm and binding contract for the sale of your home. SOLD!

9. Closing

This is the date of transfer of funds and ownership that was agreed upon in your binding contract. Be sure you are packed up and ready to go before this date! Once the lawyers release the funds the home is now the buyers new home.

Have More Questions?

If so, you’re not alone. Call or text me at 780-298-3637 and we can chat